A Message From Our CEO
At Modern Health, we are on a mission to make high-quality, affordable, mental healthcare accessible to as many people as possible. When any new client signs up or any new member enrolls in Modern Health, they are trusting us to provide an exceptional experience that delivers the highest quality of care. It’s on all of us at Modern Health to uphold that trust and act with the highest levels of integrity, commitment, and compassion in our daily interactions.
Every interaction that we have with our clients, members, and each other represents an opportunity to build that trust or dismantle it. To help align our team, our Code of Conduct aims to make it clear how we should hold each other accountable to best care for our clients and members.
Equally important, our Code of Conduct helps us hold each other accountable to best care for each other in building an inclusive culture where everyone feels they can belong and thrive. By making this commitment to each other, we can build a culture that we are proud of and will enable us to scale in service to our clients and members for years to come.
Modern Health is committed to promoting a culture of integrity and to maintaining the highest ethical standards in our business.
This means doing the right thing is the expectation at Modern Health, not the exception. The Modern Health Integrity Line is available for you to report concerns of actual or suspected violations of our Code of Conduct, our policies, or the law and can be found here.